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Performance Analysis of Contemporary Light-Weight Block Ciphers on 8-bit Microcontrollers
Author: S. Rinne, T. Eisenbarth, C. Paar
This work presents a performance analysis of software implementations of ciphers that are specially designed for the domain of ubiquitous computing. The analysis focuses on the special properties of embedded devices that need to be taken into account like cost (given by memory consumption) and energy requirements. The discussed ciphers include DESL, HIGHT, SEA, and TEA/XTEA. Assembler implementations of the ciphers for an 8-bit AVR microcontroller platform were analyzed and compared with a byte-oriented AES implementation. While all ciphers fail to outperform AES on the discussed 8-bit platform, TEA/XTEA and SEA at least consume significantly less memory than the AES.
Related Tags: VHDL, lightweight, Assembly, ASIC
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Enabling Full-Size Public-Key Algorithms on 8-bit Sensor Nodes
Author: L. Uhsadel, A. Poschmann, C. Paar
In this article we present the fastest known implementation of a modular multiplication for a 160-bit standard compliant elliptic curve (secp160r1) for 8-bit micro controller which are typically used in WSNs. The major part (77%) of the processing time for an elliptic curve operation such as ECDSA or EC Diffie-Hellman is spent on modular multiplication. We present an optimized arithmetic algorithm which signicantly speed up ECC schemes. The reduced processing time also yields a signicantly lower energy consumption of ECC schemes. With our implementation results we can show that a 160-bit modular multiplication can be performed in 0.39 ms on an 8-bit AVR processor clocked at 7.37 MHz. This brings the vision of asymmetric cryptography in the eld of WSNs with all its benets for key-distribution and authentication a step closer to reality.
Related Tags: lightweight, Assembly, crypto, embedded
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Security for 1000 Gate Equivalents
Author: C. Rolfes, A. Poschmann, C. Paar
Product piracy and counterfeiting is a market with an annual turnover of hundreds of billions of US-Dollars. The application of RFID-tags is discussed widely to cope with this problem. A major obstacle for a mass deployment of RFID-tags, beside the harsh requirements on power consumption, are fabrication costs. In hardware fabrication costs are proportional to the required area. In this paper we present three different architectures of the present algorithm. Our implementation of the serialized architecture requires only 1000 GE. To the best of our knowledge this is the smallest hardware implementation of a cryptographic algorithm with a moderate security level.
Related Tags: crypto, Assembly
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An Efficient General Purpose Elliptic Curve Cryptography Module for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
Author: L. Uhsadel, A. Poschmann, and C. Paar
In this article we present the fastest known implementation of a modular multiplication for a 160-bit standard compliant elliptic curve (secp160r1) for 8-bit micro-controller which are typically used in ubiquitous sensor networks (USN). The major part (77%) of the processing time for an elliptic curve operation such as ECDSA or EC Diffie-Hellman is spent on modular multiplication. We present an optimized arithmetic algorithm which significantly speeds up ECC schemes. The reduced processing time also yields a significantly lower energy consumption of ECC schemes. We show that a 160-bit modular multiplication can be performed in 0.37 ms on an 8-bit AVR processor clocked at 8 MHz. This brings the vision of asymmetric cryptography in the field of USNs with all its benefits for key-distribution and authentication a step closer to reality.
Related Tags: ASIC, VHDL, Assembly, crypto
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Authentication in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
Author: A. Weimerskirch
In the near future microprocessors will be found almost everywhere from cellular phones to washing machines and cars. Once these are connected via a (wireless) communication channel to each other and possibly to already existing static computers this could form an extremely dynamic wireless network which may not have access to an infrastructure or centralized administration. Such a network is often referred to as ad-hoc network. It is particularly useful where a reliable fixed or mobile infrastructure is not available – e.g., after a natural disaster – or too expensive. If the network consists of very small computing devices that are able to sensor their environment, such a network is called a sensor network. As ad-hoc and sensor networks become more a part of everyday life, they could become a threat if security is not considered before deployment. For instance, ad-hoc networks might be used to increase vehicle traffic safety. However, if there are any security vulnerabilities, this technology might be open to attackers and thus endanger passengers. Authentication in ad-hoc networks is a core requirement for secure protocols and secure applications of ad-hoc networks. Thus authentication in ad-hoc networks is the focus of this work. The security issues for ad-hoc networks and sensor networks are different than those for fixed networks. This is due to system constraints in mobile devices, frequent topology changes in the network, and the weak physical security of low-power devices. Moreover in sensor networks, the sensors are exposed to physical attacks such as power analysis and probing. Consequently, protocols need to be designed that are robust against a set of malicious devices as well as compromised secrets. The main goals and achievements of this thesis are as follows: (1) to give an overview of authentication schemes and analyze how well they are suited to ad-hoc networks; (2) to analyze how well digital signature schemes can be used in ad-hoc networks and to compare signature schemes for this purpose; (3) to propose two new extremely efficient authentication schemes for pairwise authentication that mainly use symmetric cryptographic primitives providing a basic form of authentication in sensor networks and certified identification in ad-hoc networks; and (4) an application of authentication providing component identification. Such component identification can be used as a countermeasure to faked components, e.g., for components of automobiles. As a result of this thesis, we recommend the following: First, protocols should be based as much as possible on an approach where trust associations are established to the local one-hop neighborhood only to avoid broadcast authentication schemes; and second, to design protocols that reduce the amount of asymmetric cryptography to a minimum. The protocols proposed in this thesis are a first step to achieve these goals.
Related Tags: Assembly, ASIC, VHDL
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Efficient Embedded Implementation of Security Solutions for ad-hoc Networks
Author: B. Driessen
For many foreseen applications of "wireless sensor networks" (WSN) message integrity is a crucial requirement. Usually, in the area of WSN security services, such as message integrity, are realized by symmetric cryptography only, because asymmetric cryptography is considered as too demanding for typical WSN devices. However, the proposed solutions for symmetric key establishment introduce a significant computation, storage, and – most important – communication overhead. Digital signatures and key-exchange protocols based on asymmetric algorithms would be very valuable though. In the literature usually only RSA and ECC are implemented and compared for sensor nodes, though there exist a variety of innovative asymmetric algorithms. To close this gap, we investigated the efficiency and suitability of digital signature algorithms based on innovative asymmetric primitives for WSN. We chose XTR-DSA and NTRUSign and implemented both (as well as ECDSA) for MICAz motes. We have decomposed the schemes into layers and show where optimizations can be applied reasonably. Furthermore, we have analyzed, evaluated, and tweaked several algorithms with respect to execution time and memory requirements. We have benchmarked most of the implemented algorithms and give detailed information on precomputation overheads and required RAM and ROM memory. Finally, we have performed a comparative analysis of all three schemes with respect to their suitability for WSNs. We found that, while implemented in pure NesC code, NTRUSign is the winner for being 34% faster in signature generation and 95% faster in signature verification – compared to the de-facto standard ECDSA. To the best of our knowledge, this thesis presents the fastest implementations of signature schemes for WSNs, while using novel modifications of well-known algorithms. Our implementation of ECDSA seems to be the fastest available for MICAz hardware and the ATMega128L micro-processor. Even our implementation of XTR-DSA performs better than comparable ECDSA implementations. We presume that we present the first detailed approach to implementing XTR-DSA and NTRUSign on constrained hardware.
Related Tags: ASIC, Assembly, embedded
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Saturday, 27. July 2024 09:48:09 AM -